Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tomato Sprouts

The tomatoes have all sprouted!! I am going to have to snip off the weaker growth. Then in 5 - 7 weeks they will go in the big pots!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


We have sprouts! Four little tomato sprouts have sprouted in less the 7 days. How Exciting! I'm not seeing any peppers or strawberries yet but they still have a lot of time.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sow Indoors

The Tomatoes, Peppers and Strawberries needed to be started indoors for 8 weeks. I planted the seeds in a windowsill green house. The seeds take anywhere between 7 and 21 days to germinate. So........ More to come!

The Space

The home of the Urban Garden Project. Here is the space that I am working with.

My porch area a chairs and a table. I have two boxes that my peppers and tomato plant were in.

I have two window boxes that I had flowers in last year.

Here is the view from the patio. It faces West so that should be good for sunlight.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Idea

I have always wanted my own garden but apartment living has never left me with such a space to garden. When we moved to this apartment I has so happy to have a patio in which I could grow thing on. So here is where my Urban Garden Project has stated. Last year it consisted of two green pepper plants, Two Tomato plants, I small bit of basil and some flowers. This year is going to be different. I am going to take my Urban garden to a whole nother level.

This year I am planing to plant..... Cucumbers, Peas, Beans, Onions, Carrots, Radishes, Peppers, Tomatoes, Strawberries, and Herbs.

More to come of this project soon!